Have you ever noticed that one of your contact lenses has torn? This little mishap, which many wearers experience, can quickly turn into a nightmare for your eyes and comfort. In this article, we'll explain the possible causes of this problem and provide practical tips to help you avoid tears in the future
The main causes
There are several reasons why your contact lenses might tear. The first is dehydration. When they dry out, they lose their flexibility, become brittle, and this increases the risk of tearing. The second reason could be due to improper handling. Long nails, too much pressure, or a rushed movement can easily cause tears. You should also pay attention to the expiration date and the recommended maximum wearing time. Prolonged use can weaken their structure and increase the risk of tearing.
How to avoid this?
To prevent damage, it's important to follow our recommendations:
Maintain good hydration: To ensure proper hydration throughout the day, there are moisturising solutions specifically designed for lenses, such as the brand Hylo or Systane.
Handle them with care: To avoid tears, it's essential to handle them carefully. Always wash your hands before touching them and use the tip of your finger rather than your nails. If you're unsure, consult your optician, who can explain step by step how to insert and remove them.
Respect their lifespan: Pay attention to the type of contact lenses you wear and do not exceed the recommended duration set by your ophthalmologist. If you wear daily lenses, do not wear them for more than one day. On the other hand, if you wear monthly lenses, use them for 30 consecutive days and discard them at the end of the month.
Choose high-quality models: Lenses made from advanced materials are often more durable and comfortable. For example, high water content models like Dailies Total 1 or silicone hydrogel lenses like Acuvue Oasys 1-Day offer better tear resistance.
What to do if your lenses are torn?
If one of your contact lenses tears, it’s important to follow our advice to protect your eyes:
Replace it: First and foremost, if you notice that your lens is damaged, it is crucial that you discard it and replace it with a new one. Continuing to wear a torn lens could cause discomfort, pain, or worse, lead to an infection.
Consult your optician if the problem is recurring: If you notice this issue happening frequently, it would be wise to consult your eye care professional. They can assess your handling technique, the model you’re wearing, and advise you accordingly.